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Questions for Horse Editing for Real Mare Horse Mod


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finding a username is this forum was crazy, after trying 20 names I found that even ThisUsernameIsntTaken is taken :D

So I decided to be Spongebob's Snail the Third.


Now to the topic:


I have modelled the mare parts for my future Real Mare Horse Mod and have a few question about the workflow.

I hope you help me with that :)


The list is quite long, but I wanted to make sure that it's clear what the problems are. Please forgive me :) I've never modded TES except for texture mods.



I used this tutorial to import the horse mesh into 3D Studio Max 2012 http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/478312-tutorial-3ds-max-skinned-meshes-into-game/

The horse.nif, the skeleton.nif and the textures (in a folder named textures) are in one folder and the import of the horse is complete with texture.

However, at the nif import, I can select "Import skeleton" but cannot choose the skeleton file, and it doesn't seem to be imported.


"Use Biped", "Remove Unused Bones" and the skeleton File-Select-Box are grayed out. I can import the skeleton stand-alone in an empty stage and it shows up, but if I try to first import the horse without the skeleton, then the skeleton into the same stage, the skeleton doesn't seem to show up, either.



2. My model currently is a spline cage with surface modifier but can of course be converted to a mesh or something else. I think I need to attach it absolutely fitting to the horse body. The horse after the import is an "Editable Mesh" with a Skin Modifier on top and a "BSDismemberSkin Modifier" on the very top. Any tips how to get the both models together?



3. Animation. Besides the problem (1.) with the skeleton, how do I view and edit the animations of the horse? Are they imported to 3DSMAX?



4. Textures. I have to rebake the complete texture, but would like to use a better modified texture from one of the horse texture mods. Is it usual/standard to use a mod texture and thank/refer the other mod author in the description text or do I need to contact the author before I use the texture? I don't want to be unpolite.


Thank you very much!


Edited by Gary3
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