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Adult dark elf companion Wanted


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Hello Everyone,


I got to page 43 of searching, for a sexy male companion before almost passing out, for Skyrm. I have Dairanthian Avari in oblivion and I cant seem to reach the romance stage. Even so if you do reach it.. He is a little too much of a stuck up A$$ hat. Im looking for a knight in shinning armor thats actually Handsome in an exotic Dai Elf kind of way. Every time I thought I found a gorgeous exotic high cheek boned creature.. it turned out to be a girl. I couldn't tell by the name either.


Here is a photo of Dai.. ALL of us have been begging the creator to please finish the story line for this guy and it does look like they are ever coming back. They started getting busy in 2013 and we have been nagging and begging ever since...


I am not asking anyone to rip the textures from Dai or steal.. HOWEVER>>..The elves I have seen are still really rugged or have gross facial stubble or really big chins or over protruded eyebrows like an orc.. they are just demented and fugly! EW!

I am looking for a bishouen pretty boy thats not afraid to be an adult :tongue: He can even have horns, a tail and pointy ears, slanty eyes you get the idea.... I liked Dai cause he was exotic, pretty and yet still very much a man or demon elf or whatever.. there wasnt anything Fem or soft about him.

I have uploaded a photo of us.. Yes I had to force him to pose that way.. He hates being asked or told what to do. I dont expect a pansy however mouthing off to me and thinking its cool is kindof a turn off. I am a lady not some desperate girl to be disrespected. Dai's attitude gets annoying after a while.

Edited by Sallyo
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