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Which mod turn the smithing UI into this


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Yes, it is SkyUI. In order to disable that specific menu you have to copy paste the original craftingmenu.swf over SkyUI's, and untick "Crafting Menu" in the MCM under SkyUI -> Advanced -> SWF Version Checking. If you cannot find the original craftingmenu.swf it's packed in interface.bsa. While in MO go to the Archives tab on the right, and right-click interface.bsa -> extract -> save it on your desktop. Create a new folder in your MO folder/mods and call it "Original Menu". Make a folder inside of it called interface and put the original craftingmenu.swf inside. Make sure that your new Original Menu mod is below SkyUI in your left panel.


Good luck!


PS. You can search the SkyUI menus. Press space or click on the search box on the top right.

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