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Delphina Trouble


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While going through the main quest, I did the standard meet Delphine and go to where Saloknir is coming to life. I am afraid I killed him too quickly (I killed him before he had flesh added to him). Now Delphine stays near Saloknir and will talk to me, but not about the quest I am suppose to be doing. My quest log says "Talk to Delphine" but she won't advance the quest. I have tried respawning/rekilling Saloknir, that doesn't work. I tried killing Delphine through console and reviving her, that didn't work. I tried leaving and spent about two weeks in-game time before coming back to her, that didn't work.


Is there any way to complete this section of the quest to move on (i.e. console auto complete command for a quest) or to somehow have Delphine be able to say everything possible in the game? I really need this to work because my only save before I did the quest is about 10 games hours behind with countless quests done. :facepalm:



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setstage MQ201


That should work, according to what I just looked up. :psyduck:

I received a parameter error when attempting to use that


Oh right, it might be

setstage MQ201 1

then, for stage 1 in that quest. I'm clearly not very good at this.

Nope, does nothing. I believe the formatting was correct though

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