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Still having Lag or Stuttering


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Hello everyone, I just got Fallout: New Vegas from Steam and it is my first game. I play Xbox most of the time but I wanted this game because I can add Modded Quests to the game. So anyway I have a Lag Problem, I get around 4-5 FPS everywhere I go not just in a room, talking, or fighting a bunch of guys. Here's what I'v tried so far:



2. New Vegas Stutter Remover

3. Windowed Mode

3. The 4 GB Mod

4. Better Game Performance V4 (Get 7 FPS with this)

5. I probably did do another one I just can't remember that's all :)

So any help would be nice. Thanks!


On this forum. Bump = lock.


Thanks for that info ^^^

Edited by DWreckn
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