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Crimson Nirnroot Quest Elevator from the twilightzone


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Ok for a backdrop lets just say I walked around a lot before I did some quest and came to this mine with all its monsters and such went through it and never took the scientist journal.

On the way out I use the magic elevator and left... later I came across the quest so I went back there and used the elevator in reverse which seems ok since I had been there once.

I did the drty work and then got the Journal and roots etc.. When I left the elevator acted weird like it got stuck but I made it out... I then was confronted with a dragon which after a fierce battle

I killed him and walk up waiting to receive his or her soul when I was zapped back to the elevator and taken back to the bowels of the earth....


I have placed a link to a zip of my same game for those who want to see what happens...


Ignore the you do not have the same plugins as I use a couple for the manor and xbox controller etc..





Silhouett http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/devil.gif



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