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will regular skyrim mods work with special edition?


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Hi there,


Quickly and dirty, NO (at least for the majority of most popular ones).

It would be best, may I suggest, you play a little vanila with the few mods that have SE version already and wait for the new versions to appear.

You can risk it and try to run something from old skyrim into SE, but chances are that mod require SKSE and there is no SKSE for Special Edition yet.
Buts your choice.
Good gaming
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Some mods do, but many mods don't. If the mod needs SKSE or SkyUI, it won't work. If the mod includes a BSA file, it won't work unless you unpack it.


Many mods will need some degree of conversion by running them through the new Creation Kit, but it hasn't been released yet so modders can't start work converting them for you.


If you want to try anyway, you can use the latest version of NMM to install mods into SSE, or you can manually install the files. They go into the data folder in exactly the same place as in original skyrim.

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