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Remove same sex marriage?


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"Homophobia" does not mean a literal fear of gay people. It's a social concept that can't be narrowed down to a single sentence in a dictionary, much like sexism and racism. Being uncomfortable with the concept of homosexuality is homophobic. Not wanting to hear about homosexuality, wanting to exist in a pristine heterosexual bubble, is homophobic. The idea that there are certain people who "aren't supposed to be gay" is homophobic; why, exactly, isn't Farkas meant to be gay? Like all marriageable characters, he's programmed to be bisexual. I think that makes it fairly clear that he's meant to be attracted to the Dragonborn, whichever gender the Dragonborn might be, if the Dragonborn wishes him to be.


If you think that he isn't supposed to be gay because he's too masculine - that, too, is homophobic. Big, manly fighter-types can be gay or bisexual. And that's okay.


A - It makes no sense for Farkas (for instance) to be gay imo, want to call me homophobic for it ? thats not homophobic thats an opinion, this would not break inmersion so much if only "gay-acting" characters would be gay. Where did i insulted you in that sentence ? stop with the homophobic thing please, the word will be taken as a joke and loose its weight if people just go around using it for nothing.


B - Phobia means strong fear, you think "Homophobic" people are actually afraid of gays ? either change the word or stop misusing it, please.


C - Its a MOD which means if you dont like it dont download it, period. no need to rant or get angry just let people who want this mod have it, just because you are gay doesnt mean we are all gay, just accept maybe some people dont want guys hitting on them all the time, i repeat if someone did a "no heterosexuality in skyrim" mod i would be ok with it, because its not forcing it, its making a MOD giving the option.

Edited by Wraithofdoom
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A - It makes no sense for Farkas (for instance) to be gay imo, want to call me homophobic for it ? thats not homophobic thats an opinion, this would not break inmersion so much if only "gay-acting" characters would be gay. Where did i insulted you in that sentence ? stop with the homophobic thing please, the word will be taken as a joke and loose its weight if people just go around using it for nothing.


B - Phobia means strong fear, you think "Homophobic" people are actually afraid of gays ? either change the word or stop misusing it, please.


C - Its a MOD which means if you dont like it dont download it, period. no need to rant or get angry just let people who want this mod have it, just because you are gay doesnt mean we are all gay, just accept maybe some people dont want guys hitting on them all the time, i repeat if someone did a "no heterosexuality in skyrim" mod i would be ok with it, because its not forcing it, its making a MOD giving the option.


A. Based on what exactly? Please dont pretend like there's some logical reason for your claim. The only reason it doesn't make sense for Farkas to be gay is because you don't want him to be. Thats all there is to it. Contrary to popular belief, there is no such thing as "looking" gay or "acting" gay. There is only "being" gay. Anything else is just a stereotype that may or may not apply like all things. Its the same fallacy as "acting black" or "talking white"...basically such things don't exist. Period.


B. Ppl are not afraid of gays but they *are* afraid of homosexuality. Homophobia is anything related to that fear of homosexuality in a heterosexual world. And yes, ppl really do fear homosexuality. Where do you think the hate comes from? Hate is often a by-product of fear, and homosexuality seems to threaten a lot of ppl's perfect picture of society. As such they are afraid of it, and as such they try to erase its existence. .


C. For the record, no npc of the same sex hits on the Dragonborne. The Dragonborne is the one that comes on to the NPCs. It is an option, and if someone doesn't like homosexuality then they can freely ignore the option or remove the amulet until they want to choose a partner. A mod for this is really a waste of time, nor does it accomplish anything other than treating someone's apparent homophobia. And you cannot call it anything except homophobia, as there is no homosexual dialogue in the game whatsoever. What the OP is asking for is to erase any trace of possible same-sex marriage from the game. That is homophobic, period.



Personally I find it to be a ridiculous mod request. If it bothers the OP that much, he should just stop playing Skyrim, remove the amulet, or make a mod himself. Thats like someone requesting a mod to remove all redguards from the game because they dont like colored people. At some point a mod request is more offensive than it is genuine, and should not be supported for that reason.

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A. Based on what exactly? Please dont pretend like there's some logical reason for your claim. The only reason it doesn't make sense for Farkas to be gay is because you don't want him to be. Thats all there is to it. Contrary to popular belief, there is no such thing as "looking" gay or "acting" gay. There is only "being" gay. Anything else is just a stereotype that may or may not apply like all things. Its the same fallacy as "acting black" or "talking white"...basically such things don't exist. Period.


B. Ppl are not afraid of gays but they *are* afraid of homosexuality. Homophobia is anything related to that fear of homosexuality in a heterosexual world. And yes, ppl really do fear homosexuality. Where do you think the hate comes from? Hate is often a by-product of fear, and homosexuality seems to threaten a lot of ppl's perfect picture of society. As such they are afraid of it, and as such they try to erase its existence. .


C. For the record, no npc of the same sex hits on the Dragonborne. The Dragonborne is the one that comes on to the NPCs. It is an option, and if someone doesn't like homosexuality then they can freely ignore the option or remove the amulet until they want to choose a partner. A mod for this is really a waste of time, nor does it accomplish anything other than treating someone's apparent homophobia. And you cannot call it anything except homophobia, as there is no homosexual dialogue in the game whatsoever. What the OP is asking for is to erase any trace of possible same-sex marriage from the game. That is homophobic, period.


Personally I find it to be a ridiculous mod request. If it bothers the OP that much, he should just stop playing Skyrim, remove the amulet, or make a mod himself. Thats like someone requesting a mod to remove all redguards from the game because they dont like colored people. At some point a mod request is more offensive than it is genuine, and should not be supported for that reason.




A- Do i really need to go out there and say it ? Farkas is a "for instance". There is logical reason for the claim but lets drop it


B - I dont think people are afraid of homosexuality, i also dont think hate comes from fear, not at all, in this or any other matter. Hate and fear = two completely different things, lets drop that too, it has nothing to do with the request.


C - The fact that they say "an amulet of mara, so you are single" is hitting on me, its also breaking inmersion, its also me facepalming myself at a character suddenly being gay. The redguard thing is something different, and you of course gave it that connotation because redguards look like black people and black people are often the target of racism in real life. What about a remove the beast races mod ? is that offensive, or a remove nords mod ? you went with redguards in an attempt to manipulate people. This mod is not offensive, its just a role playing related mod. Why cant you allow other people to mod their games and be offended at something optional that changes nothing about your game or real life ? just why ? what makes you do that ?.

Edited by Wraithofdoom
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A - It makes no sense for Farkas (for instance) to be gay imo, want to call me homophobic for it ? thats not homophobic thats an opinion, this would not break inmersion so much if only "gay-acting" characters would be gay. Where did i insulted you in that sentence ? stop with the homophobic thing please, the word will be taken as a joke and loose its weight if people just go around using it for nothing.


B - Phobia means strong fear, you think "Homophobic" people are actually afraid of gays ? either change the word or stop misusing it, please.


C - Its a MOD which means if you dont like it dont download it, period. no need to rant or get angry just let people who want this mod have it, just because you are gay doesnt mean we are all gay, just accept maybe some people dont want guys hitting on them all the time, i repeat if someone did a "no heterosexuality in skyrim" mod i would be ok with it, because its not forcing it, its making a MOD giving the option.


Do you like the word "bigot" better? I can call you that if you'd like...


I'm not using the word "homophobic" for nothing. You are being incredibly offensive and hurtful by continuing to insist that only "gay-acting" people can be gay, and by insisting that anyone upset with this is just overreacting. Yes, it's just a mod - but by posting the request here in a public forum, the OP opened themself up to opinions and criticism. I find it disgusting that someone could be so hateful that a single line of dialogue involving homosexuality could ruin their play experience, and everyone complaining about immersion is worse.


thats not homophobic thats an opinion, this would not break inmersion so much if only "gay-acting" characters would be gay. Where did i insulted you in that sentence ?


Opinions can be homophobic.


And to answer your question, you insulted me by saying that only "gay-acting" people can be gay. You're casually dismissing the identities of thousands of people just because it makes you uncomfortable to think that not every gay person wears a giant neon gay sign.


(Oh, and - I don't want men hitting on me either! That's why I only wore the Amulet of Mara to propose to Lydia. Amazing how well that worked.


The Bond of Matrimony has the same effect as the Amulet, you know. Minus the gay.)




A- Do i really need to go out there and say it ? Farkas is a "for instance". There is logical reason for the claim but lets drop it


I don't think I want to drop it. Could you explain this logical reason to me, please? I'm genuinely curious.


The redguard thing is something different, and you of course gave it that connotation because redguards look like black people and black people are often the target of racism in real life.


You seem uncomfortable with racism; why are you so comfortable being equally hurtful to gay people?

Edited by paradoxicalreaction
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Do you like the word "bigot" better? I can call you that if you'd like...


I'm not using the word "homophobic" for nothing. You are being incredibly offensive and hurtful by continuing to insist that only "gay-acting" people can be gay, and by insisting that anyone upset with this is just overreacting. Yes, it's just a mod - but by posting the request here in a public forum, the OP opened themself up to opinions and criticism. I find it disgusting that someone could be so hateful that a single line of dialogue involving homosexuality could ruin their play experience, and everyone complaining about immersion is worse.



Opinions can be homophobic.


And to answer your question, you insulted me by saying that only "gay-acting" people can be gay. You're casually dismissing the identities of thousands of people just because it makes you uncomfortable to think that not every gay person wears a giant neon gay sign.


(Oh, and - I don't want men hitting on me either! That's why I only wore the Amulet of Mara to propose to Lydia. Amazing how well that worked.


The Bond of Matrimony has the same effect as the Amulet, you know. Minus the gay.)



/sigh/ all of this over a tiny mod that you can just simply ignore if you dont like. You think im being "incredibly offensive and hurtfull" ? drop the victim act please, i said nothing offensive or hurtfull. What do you care what i think even ? does that change your life ? look, heres a fact: i have not meet a single masculine gay in my entire life. I only base my opinions on personal experience, thats all. As for the taking out the amulet, i already talked about that in my first post in this thread.


What i find absurd is all of you complaining about something optional and making such a big deal out of some people not wanting homosexuality in their game, is it wrong to want to mod my own game so that i find it more enjoyable ? will you be playing my game ? imagine a "No heterosexuality " mod, you think heterosexuals would start getting offended ? no. I honestly dont get it.



You seem uncomfortable with racism; why are you so comfortable being equally hurtful to gay people?


you missed the point, of course i am extremely uncomfortable with racism in real life, i despise white racist and i think they give our race a bad name "the racist race". I was trying to say that it would be ok if someone made a "No redguards" mod for their game and other peoples game but that guy was using it in a manipulative way since he was comparing redguards to black people in the real world and thus comparing a mod to eliminate a race from a single player game that can be optionally downloaded to eliminating a race in the real world.

Edited by Wraithofdoom
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You think im being "incredibly offensive and hurtfull" ? drop the victim act please, i said nothing offensive or hurtfull. What do you care what i think even ? does that change your life ? look, heres a fact: i have not meet a single masculine gay in my entire life. I only base my opinions on personal experience, thats all. As for the taking out the amulet, i already talked about that in my first post in this thread.


You probably have met masculine gay men. I'd bet money on it. You just didn't know they were gay. So all those manly bisexual men aren't so different from people you've met in real life, except that in real life, people aren't comfortable revealing their sexuality around you.


I can't imagine why.


What i find absurd is all of you complaining about something optional and making such a big deal out of some people not wanting homosexuality in their game, is it wrong to want to mod my own game so that i find it more enjoyable ? will you be playing my game ? imagine a "No heterosexuality " mod, you think heterosexuals would start getting offended ? no. I honestly dont get it.


Straight guys would absolutely make a fuss over a "no heterosexuality" mod. There are children in the game! They had to come from somewhere, getting rid of all the straight couples ruins immersion! I've never met a feminine lesbian in my life, so it's not realistic that all these beautiful shopkeepers are gay! And so on and so forth.



you missed the point, of course i am extremely uncomfortable by racism in real life, i despise white racist and i think they give our race a bad name "the racist race". I was trying to say that it would be ok if someone made a "No redguards" mod for their game and other peoples game but that guy was using it in a manipulative way since he was comparing redguards to black people in the real world and thus comparing a mod to eliminate a race from a single player game that can be optionally downloaded to eliminating a race in the real world.


That wouldn't be okay, though. And I bet a lot of people would call you out on it. You aren't deleting people of color from the real world by installing a mod, but you are saying that people of color make you so uncomfortable that you can't enjoy a game that has characters of color. A "no homosexuality" mod is no different.

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haha totally knew I'd get flamed. How am I getting called a homophobe if I'm trying to get rid of things related to them? And damn, never knew so many gay-rights supporters played skyrim


You're trying to get rid of the same sex marriage option thus the title "Remove same sex marriage?", you're not trying to get rid of the things related to homophobic stuff, you're trying to get rid of things related to homosexuality.

And you're trying to defend yourself with saying that? :facepalm:

This "can someone make a mod where it deactivates any kind of -homosexual- dialogue/affection" or this "Tired of walking up to a -same-sex- npc"

The fact that you're bothered by(only) the same-sex NPC hitting on you while wearing the amulet is kind of homophobic, if you had a topic mentioning "Remove all the flirty stuff -amulet of mara-" I would immediately think "Oh god, yeah he's got a point, I hate it when an NPC(either male or female) gets all flirty n' s*** when I just want to hear a rumor or buy something :confused: "

I'm not bothered by the homosexual community, I was born into the 21st century ya know?; Where black and white people can be friends, where women can have the same jobs as men and homosexuals aren't strange :armscrossed:

"And damn, never knew so many gay-rights supporters played skyrim" - What does that have to do with anything anyway?

Damn, never knew so many ignorant people played Skyrim.

I've rambled on long enough I guess, I'm not going to make it and I doubt that anyone else would.. you could always just ehhh.. throw away the damn amulet :pinch:

No no, you got it all wrong, it was my mere misunderstanding of the word homophobe (which I now know actually means: "fear of homosexuals"). And no, I'm not trying to defend myself with that, just thought I'd point out my own observations. And I realize this is the 21st century, and it's f***ed... Maybe you think homosexual marriage is perfectly normal, I for one, do not, and since I'm an American I have all the right to express my own beliefs (It's called free-speech). And about my comment on "gay-rights supporters", disregard it, again, I thought that the word "homophobe" was another way to call me gay, which really didn't make sense (god damn my terrible logic); to make mistakes is only human, no? Oh and calling me ignorant really just makes you seem ignorant for insulting me dude.


And for the love of God people, I get it, I'll just take off the damn amulet, I don't need 30 people to tell me that over and over. But still, if a mod came out to remove homosexual elements in Skyrim, I'd still endorse it. Oh and paradoxicalreaction made a real good point about gays rubbing their views in people's faces, I mean if they can, we can, but we don't, we don't have straight-pride parades, but we should still have the right to express our beliefs anywhere, mods included.

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You probably have met masculine gay men. I'd bet money on it. You just didn't know they were gay. So all those manly bisexual men aren't so different from people you've met in real life, except that in real life, people aren't comfortable revealing their sexuality around you.


I can't imagine why.


I wouldnt know about that.



Straight guys would absolutely make a fuss over a "no heterosexuality" mod. There are children in the game! They had to come from somewhere, getting rid of all the straight couples ruins immersion! I've never met a feminine lesbian in my life, so it's not realistic that all these beautiful shopkeepers are gay! And so on and so forth.


wrong, you wanna know why ? because its an optional mod, we dont need all those explanations because its not in the actual game, its optional, so we just wouldnt download it, you want to know why the gay community gets offended over an optional mod ? insecurity is my personal guess, they see themselves as a minority (concept created by society, stupid concept by the way) and as such feel they need representation everywhere even in the game of some guy half way across the planet or else they feel pushed away by the mainstream. I dont hate you for being gay, i treat gays in real life (which is what matters, not a game) with respect and tolerance, i just dont want to have characters i (personally) consider straight to be gay and hit on me since it ruins my play time, and i dont want to take away the amulet (though i have to), why ? because i like it, i wanna have it on. This mod would probably take 10 minutes, but i doubt it will get made now that you got offended over it.

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