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New Patch 1.3 and an old 4g exe


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I have an old version of 4g patched to a 1.1 version of the game.

Is it possible my games will be unplayable or corrupt after updating to 1.3 and then patching it to 4gb?


It appears skse is forcing the use of the newest game update and that is forcing me to turn on steam and update the game.

But I want to make sure I do everything possible to keep backups and also to know if it is possible to have corrupt saves after.



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1.3 is not exactly stable. I was crashing a lot even with the 4gb work around, so I reverted back to 1.1. I'm not patching again until they get a stable fix going. I'm tired of this yoyo crap. Game is up and running, oops no its not, now its running again, oh s*** it crashed, etc.
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Eh, you wouldn't want to replace the exe with an older version like that. Just manually patch the exe yourself. There are programs like that that work for any program, you know. Not just Skyrim.


Try something like this: http://ntcore.com/4gb_patch.php


There's a better one I used to have with a lot more options, but I can't remember what it is and can't find it...

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