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How to make a this item equipable together with chest piece at the same time?


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Alright so here is the problem I'm facing.

There is this mod called osare panties/underwear. You can equip them together with any chest or body piece, like leather armor, or ebony cuirass or anything of that nature. Osare panties occupies slot 52 unnamed, like this.

There is also this another mod PSLacePanties, that also occupies slot 52 - unnamed, like this, however, they cannot be equipped with a chest piece at the same time, such as elven armor, leather armor, iron armor or anything like that.

Basically my question is, how do I make it so PSLacePanties would act like osare underwear and be compatible with chest armor? What can I change in TES V EDIT to make it so?

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Open them both in tes5edit or ck and just compare the body slots they use. if you get invisible parts ingame after changing those you'd need to tweak the nifs.

Check out the links to screenshots I included, they both use slot 52(if thats what were talking about), like I already mentioned.

How would I tweak the nifs?

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