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Rested, Well Rrested, Lovers Comfort Message


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How do I know when the rested buff has worn off? I have to constantly check the Magic screen?


When the rested or well rested buff wares off can we get an icon, or a yawn, or an "I'm tired" signal? Maybe every 10 minutes in game or something?


When the Lovers Comfort buff where's off can we get an icon, a firt, or an "Come here, I want to kiss you, because I'm aching for you!" type comment?


Also, it would be nice to have a bedroll we take with us. Yes there are usually places to catch an hour nap in most dungeons. But if Lovers Comfort wares out after 30 minutes or so, I will only be getting the benefit for a small part of the time. (I am a really slow dungeon crawler).


Is this implementable?

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