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Empty stored items when deleting an armour mod?


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I like trying out tons of clothing and armour mods, mainly because I often mix and match pieces to sort of make in-game armour mashups on the fly. Anyway, I've been thinking of deleting a bunch I'm not using lately just to free up plugin space and keep my game and mod list cleaner.


Generally, it is considered safe to uninstall armour mods mid-game as long as they don't have any weird things going on (like scripts or quests), and you make sure to unequip all items of the armour from yourself and any followers (past or present) who may have them equipped.


However, what I'm not as clear on is, should you make sure to remove all such items which are not equipped, but which are stored in inventories as well (Perhaps in NPC inventories. Or stored in a player home)? Perhaps taking them all and putting them in a barrel before using the removeallitems console command?


Not knowing the answer, I would probably delete them from inventories too, just to be on the safe side, but I was curious what the "correct" answer is?

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