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What did you think of FFX


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I don’t know if it was a ‘great’ game but it had its perks:

1 – it was true turn-based. When one of your characters’ turns were up, everything stopped to let you choose your action


2 – As long as a member preformed one action in the battle, everyone got the benefit of battle.


3 – all weapons were the same power, they just had ‘extra’ effects for certain situations.



Now there were some issues though with it:

1 – Yuna’s summons were all you needed. You built them up and you really didn’t need anything else


2 – the game punished you for reaching the end. Once you go to the “Tick” as I call him, unless you spent 40+ hours more trying to bribe spheres from enemies, or you didn’t have the power to defeat him. Plus his possessing of your summons made him one of the toughest end-game bosses I’ve seen.


I also had a thing about the blitz ball game – no one can hold their breath that long, I’m sorry…. But hey that’s just my personal peeve.


And the theme was very well stated – machines and technology = Satan *shrugs*


It was a good game and I played it a lot, I just don’t think it was great, and X-2 I think was just a marketing thing *sighs*

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  • 4 weeks later...

words cannot describe just how much i hate this game

not only was it a full year late in europe

but when square did pull their thumbs out of their ass and brought it to europe it was still letterboxed it still ran slower and it had a price tag of 75 euro showing once again that square really doesnt give a damn about the european games

surprise surprise

the game it sel fis abhorrent

with dodgy american voice acting tidus is a prat wakka just grates me

the blitzball mini game is an excersize in frustration

the water monster throughout the game gave me rather unsetteling flashbacks of sonic adventure

and just when i tought it could not get any worse

square gives us a direct sequal to the single most worst ff out there and decides to make it even worse ffx -2 is a sub standard action rpg where you play dress up with the three scantily clad trollops that have more bossom then brains

instead of giving milliosn of ff fans what they really want a direct sequal and prequal to ff 7 we get this

final fantasy al went down hill from there


ff11 is a pay only mmorpg which i am sure wil be crushed by wow as wel like all the others

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