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KillMoves - a question about Vanilla treatment


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I have a problem with KillMoves. I do not know whether this is a "Vanilla" issue, or some insane mod-related bug that I have introduced somehow. (Before I install VioLens to try to fix it.)


At one point (I only noticed this after Be'sda had "improved" the KillMove cut-scene frequency to "after almost every death" -- many moons ago), I noticed that Kill Moves (the beheading/impaling/eviscerating animation sequence) not only did what I would have expected, but also in the middle of combat it would:


a) Not always kill - a "Near-Miss Move" if you like. (I don't mind this).


b) Kill, but ALLOW THE OTHER Bandits/Beasts/Draugr/Bees/Fish/Songbirds/&c. TIME TO ADVANCE AND KILL YOU while you are looking at the animation. And presumably being so Smug about Killing The Bunny Rabbit, that you have totally lost the plot, taken your eye off the ball or another metaphor.


I don't think I will miss the opportunity to (presumably) jump about, whoop with exhilaration and punch the sky in triumph, if it will prevent me being mauled to death by the rest of the band/pride/ co-intermentship/swarm/shoal/exaltation/whatever they are when they come in economy-sized packs.

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