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Meshes & Texture, Replacers confusion?


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I've only been playing skyrim for about a week now, and I love it so much. I've stumbled upon this site, and I've found a few things I wanted to apply to the gameplay. I have no problem with ESP., they show up in my data files, I click them, we are good to go!-----Although, I'm having difficulty with meshes and textures! I follow the directions, just putting the files in my data directory, and when I run the game I see no difference. Honestly, I'm just trying to change it so that my Female Conjurer's Archmage robe is replaced by The Nocturnal Robe(yet the Vaermina would make me SO much happier)----What am I doing wrong that everyone else doesn't have a problem with? Am I suppose to restart my computer or something like that?


The one I REALLY want to use, but can't :( http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1040


*I've tried all of them, all failed for me....or maybe its because I'm a super noob and don't know what I'm doing.*

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Well, just had a look at the file, what I'd do first is:


1) Open the zipped file

2) Open the "mesh and normal" folder

3) Inside that is a "meshes" folder: copy that into your Data folder

4) Press "yes" when it asks if you want to merge the meshes folders.


Then go back to the long list of folders and choose a texture that you want e.g. "starry night wizard"


1) Open the "starry night wizard" folder

2) Inside that is a "textures" folder: copy that into your Data folder

3) Press "yes" when it asks if you want to merge the texture folders


Edit, some more info on installing mods:


Edited by CampanaAliquanta
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