RickyAll Posted October 31, 2016 Share Posted October 31, 2016 (edited) Hello, I'm sorry to use my first post to annoy you with a help request, but I can't find any solution. I'm a supernoob talking about Skyrim modding (started about 4 days ago) but i'm getting the hang of it pretty quickly (even if I messed up my SKyrim directory so hard at my first try that i had to download vanilla TESV again).I'm using mod organizer (switched to it from NMM yesterday) and I've installed all my mods (wich are all working), cleaned everything with TES5Edit, used LOOT to sort the plugins out, long story short: i've done my homework before posting.Everything is works wonderfully, but the grass and the landscape textures are not loaded in far away distances. After googling a bit, i've discovered that it's a pretty common issue, but searching for solution isn't easy as it sounds for a newbie like me, considering that some posts i've found talking about it are really old and probably outdated. Is there any mod, .ini file tweak, or anything i can do to mitigate the issue?Sorry if the question was asked a million times but i can't find the answer (maybe it's right beneath my eyes, but i can't see it).I'm attaching my modlist and my ini files for your convenience.Sorry again if this issue was talked about earlier in this forum (and for my bad english) and I sincerely hope you can help me.Thanks!P.S: I'm using as references for what I've done so far the STEP website for the ini edits and ENBoost and some videoguides from Gamerpoets and DIrty Weasel on YT, in case you were wondering.P.P.S: I've loaded a fresh new save for my modded playthrought, and the issue is very noticeable in the fields surrounding Whiterun. I've tried to edit my ini files but i had no luck this far, then reverted the edits.Modlist and ini files: https://modwat.ch/u/RickyAll ---------------Rileva linguaAfrikaansAlbaneseAmaricoAraboArmenoAzerbaigianoBascoBengaleseBielorussoBirmanoBosniacoBulgaroCatalanoCebuanoCecoChirghisoCinese (semplificato)Cinese (tradizionale)CoreanoCorsoCroatoCurdoDaneseEbraicoEsperantoEstoneFilippinoFinlandeseFranceseFrisone occidentaleGaelico scozzeseGalizianoGalleseGeorgianoGiapponeseGiavaneseGrecoGujaratiHaitianoHausaHawaianoHindiHmongIgboIndonesianoIngleseIrlandeseIslandeseItalianoKannadaKazakoKhmerLaoLatinoLettoneLituanoLussemburgheseMacedoneMalayalamMaleseMalgascioMalteseMaoriMarathiMongoloNepaleseNorvegeseNyanjaOlandesePashtoPersianoPolaccoPortoghesePunjabiRumenoRussoSamoanoSerboShonaSindhiSingaleseSlovaccoSlovenoSomaloSpagnoloSundaneseSvedeseSwahiliTagicoTamilTedescoTeluguThaiTurcoUcrainoUnghereseUrduUsbecoVietnamitaXhosaYiddishYorubaZuluInglese Edited October 31, 2016 by RickyAll Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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