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[WIPz] Addon for TheRoadstroker's Legend of Zelda Remake


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[WIPz] Addon for theRoadstroker's Legend of Zelda Remake

Redone textures, remade areas, and brand new items...



This mod brings more to theRoadstroker's original mod, found here. By more, I mean more content derived from his originals, with new retextures for things like the specialized tunics that Link had in Ocarina of Time or the first The Legend of Zelda. Not only that, but brand new items as well, such as the Razor Sword from Majora's Mask. To find these items, you will search through new areas, and fight bosses to get the new items. One such boss will, of course, be Dark Link. Dark Link is a shadow version of Link, and he is usually just as strong or stronger than you.


Some of the items you can find will be "enchanted", meaning they have a special effect other than just appearance. For example, a red-colored tunic would be resistant to fire, a blue-colored tunic would be resistant to frost, and so on. Swords may have special enchantments as well. When you have full health, they may do something... special.


Help needed

I can't do everything alone though. I need help in the form of modelling and texturing. I've received some help already, and to those who have helped me I am grateful. I still need a little more for what I want to do though. Here is a list of the things I need for this release.


Kokiri Sword (model and texture)

Razor Sword (scabbard model and texture only, sword made)

Gilded Sword (model and texture)

Hero's Shield (new model and texture)


If you want to help, either post here or PM me.


Credits and thanks

Bethesda, for the game and CS.

theRoadstroker, for the original mod and without that, this mod wouldn't even be planned.

Jedimembrain, who made the Razor Sword's model and texture.

Linkxp500, who made the files for putting the shields and swords on your player's back using the Shield on Back mod.

CaptainRC, who made another mod that used mine and theRoadstroker's, and made a backstory for it all using the Ayleids.

Beeto, a DA modder, who made the Fierce Deity face texture that will be used in the mod. (A BIG thanks to them!)


Thanks for reading!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Lord Frostcraig, long time no see.


Glad to see you're still with oblivion, it's getting quieter and quieter around here.


Just curious, but I see Alonso isn't mentioned in the credits. Does this mean you're not using his resources? Or did they get lost or something...? The piece of heart especially would make a great addition...

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