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Some advice needed (noob alert)


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I am new to modding. I have added 14 mods to SSE. The order used is:






Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esm


(5 other graphics mods*.esp)

(6 gameplay mods*.esp)

Relationship Diaglog Overhaul.esp

As a procedural question, how may I confirm that I am stacking these plugins in the correct order to minimize conflicts? Following a Google search, I believe there are a couple of tools available to do this. Any recommendation so I can get this right the first time would be appreciated.

Thanks for any help.


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For now there is only LOOT that works for rearranging your mods, but it is beta and looks like a pain in the ass to install. (Or I'm just lazy.)


If you list all your mods I can give you my opinion. I have 30ish mods for now and I had to use common sense/experience hehe. That and some forum reading of course.

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Hey dayglow - wanted to close the loop on this. With a lot of searching and digging I have been successful in getting my desired mods in the correct order and have had no game issues. Sure learned a lot getting to this point. Thanks again for your offer to help.



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Take wims advice, learn to order manually :). You'll live longer :D. I'd post an example order but I'm on my phone...
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