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Nexus downloading issues


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This seems like a pretty normal experience for the Nexus sites given that Skyrim SE and it's Creation Kit just released recently. There's a flood of people using the sites right now downloading mods and browsing. I can't imagine even with the preparation and measures taken previously to deal with such enormous amounts of traffic of anything running much faster, but at the very least the sites are still up and running.


Personally I haven't had many problems logging in. When I do I normally either try a few more times or just wait and try again later. The same goes for downloading mods. Just be patient and please understand that you aren't the only one dealing with the slowness.


I'd reckon it migh stay like this for a while as modders update, port, and upload their mods to the SE site and users then download from there as well as from the 'old' Skyrim, but it will get better. There's only so many mods each person will get until they are satisfied with what they have. I'm still looking to get a few dozen more mods to play through regular Skyrim again, but I'm pacing myself and doing it over time so I don't get frustrated when they don't all download instantly.

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