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Perhaps it has something to do with Wet n Cold and inbuilt compatibility with Frostfall? Perhaps those things really need the SKSE? I have not seen any reports as of yet though

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Update: I was able to get campfire working. I started with a third mod and added it then the other two one at a time. Now stuck on the last, which is Frostfall.

I made sure that third one was compatible with campfire/frostfall.


Edit: It seems my problem is with Frostfall causing this and the SE unofficial patch causing this. Campfire works, and other mods work. Mind you the only two I care for at the moment are frostfall and campfire, but for the sake of experiment.

Edited by Asa48
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I recently had some problem with CTD that I couldn't understand, first it started in vanilla likely because of auto save that got away from me (I'm sure I let one or 2 go). Then within a few hours of that I decide to start adding some mods, bang CTD every 5 seconds. I forgot to add the USSEP, after adding that my problems went away again. I was swearing black and blue my game was going corrupt after so much hours because of a couple autosaves, had the same symptoms as I had seen before. I'll be interested to see how long it holds up now, but been about 4 hours in game crash free. Never trust the auto or quicksaves (unless there is some confirmation it has been heavily updated), especially with mods.

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