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Faster Draw time with Bows


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I really like playing Skyrim being an archer, but I find Draw time (time needed to go from taking an arrow and be ready to shoot with full power) really slow.


Could someone make a mod to reduce draw time? Like increase quickshot perk or something?


Thanks in advantage!

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Well for sure you can edit bows to fire more than one arrow, and increase individual bow's speed. Of course that doesn't show multiple arrows in your hand, someone would actually have to make animations and models for that.

The quickshot perk uses an ability(in Magic section under Spell) called PerkAbQuickShot given to you by the perk to increase bow speed universally, and you can use that to increase it further. That ability's magnitude is 1.30 therefore giving you a 30% increase to bow draw speed.


Just set it to whatever percentage you want after "1." ie 50% faster is 1.50.

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