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Is there a mod that changes buggy UV light timing?


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I would like to be able to create a mobile safehouse with my buggy but the UV lights only stay on for 20 seconds. I was wondering if there is a mod out that changes that timing to indefinite or something along those lines?

Edited by nbtc971
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What you are looking for is in the buggyskills.scr, which is in DW/Data0.pak/data/scripts/vehicles/



It's a very easy mod and requires only three steps:


1. Use Winrar to open Data0.pak, navigate down to into "data/scripts/vehicles" and copy "buggyskills.scr" from there, save it anywhere. Do not extract/move the original file, but leave it in there. You will need a copy of that file, do not cut the original.


2. Now open that copy of buggyskills.scr with notepad or your favorite editor and edit the lines marked in green to your liking, starting at line 35 in my version:







ActiveModifier("uv_active", "Set", "true");
ActiveModifier("uv_level", "Set", "1");




ActiveModifier("uv_active", "Set", "true");
ActiveModifier("uv_level", "Set", "2");







Don't forget to change the duration for both levels of that skill, as pointed out in yellow above.

Note that you can change the cooldown as well.


The same works for the electric cage skill, which is also in that file. Search for Skill("ElectricCage") further down around line 75.




3. Safe the edited buggyskills.scr and insert it into DW/Data3.pak/data/scripts/vehicles/ again using Winrar.

Your Data3.pack may or may not contain some of these folders or subfolders, so just create whichever one is missing.


There you go!


Please report back if everything worked :smile:

Edited by Snart
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