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Skyrim and AI.... oh well.


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Whats up with the AI in the video,im just seeing someone acting exceedingly stupid and perhaps pissing off a hold.

Assuming you are on about the fact they are not running away even when so obviously outmatched then i can only guess they are thinking someone will get in a lucky blow.

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Haha, the two main things I noticed is the horse popping out of nowhere, and the character running around but no one was attacking. Your video, and post, and point is VERY vague. Please, elaborate.
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ok i was a bit unclear... thought somone would actualy read the video description lol.


@Alex4921 What i am pointing at is that all the "Stormcloak Soldiers" are attacking me, they did attack me after i killed the "Imperial" escort, that makes no sense to me....


@natelovesyou For the horse popping up, its a mod called horse spawner using ScriptDragon.


one other thing is that this stormcloak prisoner i just freed is just being harsh to me after i set him free, this mean lil !@?$ :(


@tem1980 for the rig i use: http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=2064451 here you can see it, but it does not run "well" it runs "ok" with aprox 48fps in town and 55-60 fps roamin the land.

Edited by DarkenDe
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yeah attacking imperial soldiers gives you a bounty.


Also stupid is that after you've finished all the Stormcloak quests, they ask you to continue killing any Imperials you see. Yet

1) All imperials you kill add to your bounty

2) In imperial camps there is always a named NPC who can't die even though there is no possible way for you to have quests with him (because you are a stormcloak) so even if you annihilate an entire Imperial Legion there will always be 1 witness to add to the above stated bounty.

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Better than mine, at my preferred graphical settings i go anywhere from 60fps to 5, swings just way too much for my liking. course I have an i5 oc'ed to 3.3gig, 16 mb ram, and the sli 1gb 460s.


I suppose im not really sure what that should give me performance wise, but even on low settings I still get stutter.


As for the vid, Ive had that happen to me as well, Its not right, if you dont engage in convo before attacking the prisoners are hostile. Id imaging its an issue with factions regarding making the prisoner walk with the enemy and not attacking.

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