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Skyrim State Of Art (a Blog about Skyrim Special Edition PC Modding)


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Good day, everyone. My name is Corvo, and I’ve been an active The Elder Scrolls gamer since Morrowind came out on PC.

I’ve also been a modder for Oblivion (some may remember my Half Devil Race).

I consider myself a perfectionist, when talking about the perfect gaming experience, always looking out for ways to get my game better, mods to enhance the experience, tweaks to get more performance, etc…

I thought of starting this blog one day after Skyrim Special Edition came out. If you, like me, are a Skyrim PC gamer, you’d probably understand that my first thoughts about the game were: will all the great mods I used to play on Skyrim be ported? Will I be able to use Mod Organizer, or similars? Will there be some good INI Tweaks to boost graphics and/or performance? Are they planning a new S.T.E.P. guide? Will LOOT work for this new version? And, probably most of all, will there be a new Skyrim SE version of ENB?

I was a little overwhelmed at start, trying to keep up with all the news, and I thought that probably I was not the only one. So, I said to myself: let’s stop for a moment to order things up. Let’s see if I can help players to keep up about the Skyrim State of Art.

Skyrim State of Art (Skyrim SAO, for short), is a news blog dedicated to Skyrim SE Modding, with particular attention to the PC version.
It mainly focuses on big, game-changing modifications of the game (like ENB, SKSE, SkyUI, etc…), guides, and software to improve any aspect of the game.

I'm planning to update it weekly (hopefully daily) with every news I find.

Please, feel free to visit it and comment whenever you like.

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Awesome idea !

lots of news all over the interwebs..

i found these statements around the WWW:

Skyui Author: has made 2 statements: 1: he doesnt have the time to port it over and the original group has split.. - and then i found somewhere he is working on it and doesnt have a timeline

SKSE: They are working on it but have no deadline.. - so thats some good news :)

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To many mods depend on SKSE. Until that is ready, the is no way of knowing how long the rest will follow.


I have read ENB has no plans on a SSE version, unless the demand it there. The reason is FO4 really does not need it, and SSE's improvements, if we can call it that, place SSE in the same boat. It really no longer needs it.


I truth I could play Skyrim without ENB, and I really see no major improvement in FO4 with it, as you can lose performance with it.

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To many mods depend on SKSE. Until that is ready, the is no way of knowing how long the rest will follow.


I have read ENB has no plans on a SSE version, unless the demand it there. The reason is FO4 really does not need it, and SSE's improvements, if we can call it that, place SSE in the same boat. It really no longer needs it.


I truth I could play Skyrim without ENB, and I really see no major improvement in FO4 with it, as you can lose performance with it.


I assume you haven't read my last article, because Boris is working on it:




Also, that is not the reason. The reason is that FO4 and Skyrim SE have a much more complicated engine to work with.


And Skyrim ENB has still way better graphics than Vanilla Skyrim Special Edition.

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I was going by what I read only a few weeks ago.

From what I also read, he is going to move to China to be with his girlfriend in a few months, so if he completes this, then it might be the last, and this will have even less features than FO4 does, as again he has to make this from scratch.


I use ENB for FO4, but don't need to, since it does not make a real difference with my computer, and based on what I am seeing with SSE, I again don't need to use it.


Old Skyrim needs a lot more than just ENB to run smother. 32bit has a lot of limitations, that the 64bit does not have.


And I will stand by FO4 does not need it, just like SSE.

Edited by bill8872
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