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nooby question


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hi all as the description says i have a question about what i think is caused by normals/stencilproperty node in nifscope.


so ive ported a couple of armors from oblivion and it seems they all have a common "clipping"(probably not even called clipping) problem where some objects are seen through others. (fingers almost always are)


most common case is the fingers being seen through absolutely everything, another is where if part of your character is under water, if you are viewing down from above the water some objects disappear under the water. some examples:


http://img819.imageshack.us/img819/9335/26966002.jpg http://img585.imageshack.us/img585/2246/10106386.jpg


http://img52.imageshack.us/img52/6797/67017725.jpg http://img846.imageshack.us/img846/8673/28115248.jpg




I dont know much on the topic but i think this is caused by the stencilproperty not exported properly from the current 3dsmax nif exporter, can any1 verify this? is there someway to fix this? also someone told me once that the nishaderproperty node in the new nif format should contain all this info (stencilproperty), but if that is the case why does this still happen?


tx for reading/help

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