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NMM keeps disabling my mods


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Instead of writing a wall of text, let me explain my problem with a wall of images:


I start NMM and see this:



"No problem", I think, "I'll just manually re-activate all those disabled mods"



(Interestingly enough, mods like WET don't show up in the Plugins tab, even though they include an .esp. Not sure if that's a bug or intended behavior:)



Now, I know that starting the Fallout 4 launcher would disable a bunch of mods, so instead of doing that, I start F4SE from NMM.

Fallout 4 starts up, telling me that achievements are disabled for my save, which is weird, because that Achievements mod at the top of the list was made specifically to avoid that. (Also, all the other disabled mods don't work in-game, as expected)

So I close Fallout 4, re-open NMM and what do you know?



It's disabled the same mods again!

I don't even have to start Fallout 4, merely restarting NMM will disable the mods.

What gives?


I will gladly assist with tracking down this bug, if it is one, but it's hard to believe that I'm the only one with this problem.

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Have you tried downloading and running Loot? it's not perfect but it may shed some light on the problem e.g. if there are files missing. I can't view the screenshots in detail, as I'm at work and it won't work.


Have you tried putting the achievement mod at the bottom of the plug-in load order? if it's at the top, any other mod loading after it may well over-write it.

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I just reinstalled Fallout 4 and NMM after deleting every single mod, which didn't do s#*!, so I uninstalled every mod that NMM had problems with and installed them manually.

Everything works now.


I get that NMM hasn't reached v1.0 yet and that it's technically still beta software, but damn.

It's like no one is even interested in making it better.

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