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CTD when entering house and Load screen freeze


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I recently reinstalled Skyrim Legendary edition, using NMM to install some mods I had before, as well as some new ones. I went through all the steps, I checked the pages for incompatibilites, used author advice for where to put their mods, cleaned them with Tes5edit, created a merge and Bash patch, used Loot to order the ones not already locked into place where I know for sure they belong. Yet, every time I try and load up a game, I either freeze on the loading screen, or CTD when entering Lakeview Manor.


I use alternate start to automatically own the home, and have removed all the workbenches save for the side i decided to work on due to anothers advice, which help a small bit but not much.


I don't know if it's a memory issue or load order issue or what. I saw one person recommend using ENB Boost, but I'm not using an ENB. As well all of the retexture mods I'm using, I picked the mid range ones for better performence as my graphics card is good, but not top of the line good, its only a nvidia gtx 760.


Any advice? Anyone else having this issue?

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