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CTD when Scrolling over combat rifle or hunting rifle on the weapon workbench.


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So This seems like an oddly specific problem. When i go to my weapon workbench to modify a weapon, if mouse over a hunting rifle or combat rifle my game instantly crashes. I have been trying to isolate the issue by uninstalling and reinstalling mods, etc, etc. But i cant seem to figure it out on my own.


I believe it has something to do with the New calibers mod not agreeing with some other mod i have active, Though i don't know how i would check that other then disabling mods and re-enabling them at random until i run into the problem again.


I have included my current load order in the form of 4 screenshots. Any insight that anyone could provide would be helpful. until then, i will go back to troubleshooting the slow way.









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Just figured it out, it was such a simple issue. had an outdated version of armorsmith extended, which i guess was not getting along with some other mod i have installed. either new calibers or legendary modification i would assume. probably the latter.

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