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Two quick questions


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Hi everyone, just wanted to ask two quick questions because I need a moderator or someone above to confirm it.


1st - Is it possible to change an account name by a moderator or admin ? Reason I'm asking is because I'd really like my nickname as "Crimsomrider" (with a capital C) instead of "crimsomrider". Got no clue why or how I didn't see that when I made my account, but now that I'm modding extensively, I dislike it a lot.


2nd - Just need some clearance about a mod I want to upload that comes from a Blizzard reference kit


I'm doing a Widowmaker Tattoo for the EVB body as seen here below






The tattoos originally come from Blizzard's Reference Kit , free images which cosplayers use to create their outfits and it's available on Blizzard's site for each character, but I did not just stamp them onto the body and called it a day. There was some good amount of tweaking and enhancing that had to be done, mostly in :




-color intensity

-extra work like expanding the arm tattoo ( it was too short for the arm, so I made a longer version of it ) and enhanced the overall tattoo with extra effects


This is now the final version :






So the tattoo is not just taken from the cosplay kit and placed onto the body, but has been modified quite a bit. I am curious as to am I allowed to upload this tattoo while crediting Blizzard for the reference image.


I know about the TOS, but there's always a gap so I figured better to ask and be safe than sorry. In the end it's just a simple tattoo on a body mod, but you never know.

Edited by crimsomrider
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