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How do I move my own .esp file into the SSE Creation Kit?


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I realise this may have been covered already, but I've been researching for the last couple of hours and have found tidbits here and there...


I have an almost-finished player-home mod I am currently working on, but I'm using it at the moment and have stored loads of booty and crafting materials etc inside my little cellar-home in Riverwood.....


Okay, so now I need to upload it to the SSE Creation Kit to complete it.


Having got the SSE CK to work properly :-), and putting a copy of my mod .esp file in the SSE Data folder in File Manager, on going to load the usual master files in the SSE CK, my .esp file did not show up. (I hoped this would work...)


I opened up the SSE CK, clicked on Create Archive, went to Import, but the .esp file will not show up in the Data folder. Next to Open, it just says 'Archive File List (*.achlist). It doesn't even give an .esp option, or any other to make them show up.


Apologies for the long description above, I realise you all know this, but I'm obviously missing a step here and I have tried researching for a while.


If you know the (hopefully simple...) solution, please can you write it up in baby steps for me, instructions on how to load my mod .esp file into the SSE CK.....


I've stored loads of weaponry/armours and crafting materials so I can get my Arcane Smithing perk. Kinda semi-desperate here... Maybe I should play Old Skyrim till I get the perk, sell all my stuff, or perhaps do TGM and carry it all via a save in to the SSE. Trouble is, I don't think I've got enough coin to buy Breezehome. I really need somewhere to store it all. Maybe I should TGM carry everything, mod a player chest for myself in SSE CK, place it in Riverwood and then dump all my stuff in there? Thinking aloud, ... Sigh, I've become 'immersed'...



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Hi SnowberryGal,


From the description you gave it sounds like you did everything right, you copy your esp mod into the SSE Data folder and run the SSE Creation Kit and choose your mod esp - the Creation Kit should show ALL the mods in the Data folder that it's assigned (where it has been installed).


It sounds to me that you are either running the wrong Creation Kit from the wrong Skyrim install or you might have placed the esp in the wrong Data folder. Also check weather Steam has installed SSE in the right Steam folder or it may have "accidentally" created a new Steam folder when it installed SSE (for example: I have a Steam folder in 'C:\Program Files(x86)\Steam\' where SSE is installed and another one in 'D:\Games\Steam\' where the original Skyrim is and I also got a bit mixed up with the two different Steam clients and folders).


My advice is maybe copy the esp again and then simply go back one folder (in windows explorer) and run the Creation Kit in that folder, this way you will be sure you have run the right Creation Kit that will check the right Data folder to look for esp's to load.


I hope it helps somehow...

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Hello Droygon


Thanks for your reply and advice. I searched around the Data file and found my .esp file. And now my mod is up-and-running in SSE. :-) I can now get into my snug little cellar-home in Riverwood and access all my loot there. Yay!


Thanks again, "Divines bless your kind heart!" as they say in Skyrim.

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