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Textures: missing or wrong Texture File?


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let me say at the start, that i a new to modding. I reinstalled Skyrim (+all DLC's, no HD Patch) recently and decided to beautificate it following this guide (with NMM). I had some troubles here and there but solved most of it myself. But now i am stuck.


After installing the mods Expanded Towns and Cities (ETAC) and JK's Skyrim I suddenly have some texture missing (i added some screenshots). What i tried so far:


1) Verified Game Cache via Steam --> still pink

2) Reinstalled both mods --> still pink

3) Deactivated both mods --> still pink


I have read a little and can supply more information. While using the consol ingame i found the ID of the meshes and searched with TES5Edit the basefile and the corresponding filepath for the **.nif-files.


1) wrscafrailcor01 [iD 00063FB6] & wrscafrailstr01 [iD 00063FB2] --> fence-structures from ScreenShot2

2) wrtemplebench01 [iD 000D4847] --> bench-structures from Screenshot3


After opening it with NifSkope (the meshes looked good i guess) i searched if there is any texture file linked to it. In both cases there was a texture-file linked. But looking at the file with DDS-Viewer at least for me it seemed the texture-file is somehow wrong and does not fit the meshes (again screenshots of the texture-file since they are to big to upload).


1) wrtrims01 / wrtrims01_n --> for both meshes of Screenshot2

2) wrwoodbeam01 / wrwoodbeam01_n / wrwoodbeam01_p --> for meshes of Screenshot3


DO u have any idea how to fix that? Are the textures wrong or is the **.nif-file wrong as it is linked to the wrong texture?


Some more infos:


- LOOT does not show any problems/errors.

- The game does not crash.

- No ENB installed yet.

- System: [CPU: Intel i5 6600-K] [GPU: AMD Radeon R9 390 8GB] [8GB RAM] [OS: Win7]

- Sykrim/SKSE/LOOT/TES5Edit/NMM all on newest version

Edited by DonLeo25
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