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What is essentially missing in Skyrim ...


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Hey there :)

I'm compensating my lack of modding skills by posting here what I would like to do if I could.


Ok so let's start with some basic player possibilities :


- Warriors can wear shield on the back when they're not fighting.


- Warriors can put "one handed weapons" on the back too, even with quiver AND shield (this is a big stack of weapon but I can remember thousand of images of warriors wearing all that stuff on shoulders and they were looking great !!!).


- Dual welding warriors have 2 weapons on the body when not draw, not only one (because if I use dual welding its just for hanging around in town with 2 axes on my belt !!! :) and yes I have quiver AND shield on the back even with dual axes BECAUSE ... just in case ... and I look so cool like that !!! ).


- Warriors can fight or even throw arrows or spells on a horse (seems like there's some developers that didn't find any solution to prevent horse dying from a drunk warrior's axe ...) I don't care !!! Make different quality of horses with some cheaper, make more mythic/essential ones, and even armors / spells we can apply on horses to protect them.


- Warriors can wear only parts of armor for example I would like to wear light armour on all the body and have ebony heavy armour on right shoulder / arm / hand. I can also wear Ebony mail with draedric shoulder Pads or wolf pelt on the right shoulder... Separated Shoulder pads, arms and pants from armor set with possibility of stacking of different parts on armor slot.


- Possibility to have a wolf / bear / fox / spider / hawk / bunny as a pet because yes I love animals ! and warriors do !


- Possibility to have more followers and give them new command "stay here as long as i say" or "this is your new home now" . A place where they will go there when u say "we have to dismiss ...." or "go back to home now and wait for me". we could even have some "go home empty our loot and come back" or "go home and say to *other follower* to come back" and of course they have horses ! because lol you poor thing running behind me ! (can't wait to come back home after adventure and have a house full of warriors living in the house ( some may be naked :) ). Maybe we can even add a "Glory to our leader !!!" voice when we come home that would be nice !


- Wear cape / cloaks / pelts because yes it's cold out there


- Possibility to claim a place / fort / boat / town as yours but you have to protect it at different level by hiring guards (you claim solitude ? héhé then fight). As it might be ruining game play, possibility to claim a place appear when place didn't have any more quest linked to it. For example in some small town you can kill the jarl to get his place if no other quest involve the town or try to persuade him at the end of the thane quests to make you jarl and keep him as a council.


Here it is for a first step maybe :)


Sorry English is not my first language.

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Your ideas are neat, don't let any of the idiots in this forum tell you otherwise. They woud rather bump a f***ing feet mod, or playable dragon race, or a childish f***ing boob/ass mod instead of paying attention to the mods that would actually improve gameplay. When I make my mods, I'm not going to share s***, cause this community doesn't know a good, feasible mod if it was shoved right up their ass.
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