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Game constantly crashing need some help.


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I download the game earlier this week ago and started modding it. It ran fine for about 3 days where I had been adding a mod or two each day. I added a few more today and the game just stared crashing.


I've removed all of the mods I've downloaded today in an attempt to fix this, but even without them the game is just closing without warning.


My most recent save crashes about 2 seconds after loading into the game every time. I feel like it has to be something more than the mods and that something else has gone wrong maybe. I'm am just using NMM right now.


Edit: I've tried the save without any mods at all and the game still crashes immediately after loading in.

Edited by kebbler123
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The first thing I would do is wipe the game from your computer including any documents in My documents and all your save files. Check your programs folder to make sure there is no left over data. Then re-download the game. Also delete any SKSE files and NMM files and start over clean. See if you can get the base game working.

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