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Wildcat - Combat of Skyrim (SE) set as hidden


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I've never been quite satisfied with other combat overhaul mods, but I was drawn to this mod due to its realistic combat balancing and innovative mechanics like the injury system. Didn't downloaded it yesterday due to a wi-fi issue I had, solved it today but when I went to check the mod page was set as hidden since, apparently, the creator was being harassed.


Does anyone know what happened and who the creator is? I'd like to send him a message of support so a contact address would be awesome.

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The Author is Enaisiaion

apperently there was an ongoing attack on him and his mod yesterday and he has now hid the mod on the nexus..

didnt see the comments but from what ive heard it was pretty disgusting

so once again we see people trash talking and a Quality mod author hide something..

hope it doesnt affect the rest of his mods.. and other authors 2..

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Among mod authors, Enai has always been up there with the likes of Chesko and Arthmoor. If our best mod authors keep getting harassed this is going to set back modding as a whole.


We're gonna lose something good here if we don't watch our attitude. We talk s#*! to anymore mod authors and we'll be going back to playing bug-fiesta vanilla skyrim. I swear to god this whole ordeal is making me consider starting a witch hunt.

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