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Crazy Ideas


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Hello, I just had some ideas running wild from anime's, games', and such and heere Goes

Throwing Swords/Knives or Shooting Arrows to teleport to where it lands (And it could be fun). Additionally, from a certain Ninja anime, leaves behind a fire/frost/lightning trap trigger (or creature, up to your malice).

+possible to shoot two arrows, or elemental arrows since we don't like lacing it with poison.


Clone yourself with 1/5 of your skills or what not. Because it'll be OP and its fun to see your lesser self(s) struggle and fight your battles, in swarm with Different roles or dresses or ..skins. <shivers>


I want an attack on Chicken. But since chicken are not scary (it can be funny with all the important characters talking about it or participating), and..well it doesn't attack.

Scale up, buff, steroid it, a terrifying, creepy, beast(s)/humanoid or teamed up with a dragon(s) , as an event on the plains of wherever, where different races/factions team up in X numbers to take it down.

+Military formation, Monster< sword-archer-mage

+Can be a totally new quest, new map.


Anyone made spears a thing or a flag bearer rallying call for arms, where troops follow you as you walk into Imperial/Stormcloak/Any faction camp (Warhammer thing with flags and instant badass reinforcement)

+ Raid innocents (generic fellas, or even new rookies to Skyrim, from Cyrodiil)

+ Make your own faction/Battlement of companions and summon your enemies oryour allies at a moment notice.

+ Super Soldiers, yes, in Skyrim there's ranking for many types of enemies. So make it worth it.


Yes, everyone loves or...partake in zombies or skeletons or...frost walkers or skinned draugers in the middle of..Foggy night travels over plains, mountains or villages. Could be a line of quests...of wandering hordes, maybe some horse-battles coupled with already-war torn mods and Npcs' travelling, what's not to love travelling at night.

+Oh...somehow, trigger a spell like soul trap- on living beings but make that trigger animate dead.


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