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NMM 0.63.6 Update Issue, please help!


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Hey everyone. Thanks in advance for any help offered.


Two days ago, NMM updated to the latest version. It said it was going to do a lengthy process or uninstalling all my mods and reinstalling them in a new place, or something like that. But it didn't, and when I load Skyrim I get a Steam Application Load Error P:0000065432.


I'm assuming the fix here is to get NMM to move my mods where it originally meant to, but it didn't touch them, so how do I get it to do so? Please help!


Oh and if it matters, I'm using a Windows 10.


Edit: I've discovered that vanilla Skyrim won't launch either, so could this purely be a Steam issue?

Edited by Phigon
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Upgraded three days ago and only 4 mods were activated. The rest had a red circle with a / thru it at the left edge. After much trial and error came upon the following solution.

  • High light the mod ion question and right click
  • Select uninstall or delete then select from active profile
  • When uninstall completes high light the mod again and click on the green check mark to reinstall.

All mods are now working.

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I had something similar happen when my NMM updated. All my 58 mods were inactive (red lined) When i started activating them only the top half would activate, exactly half of them. I started Skyrim expecting the game to crash on start-up but everything was fine & all the mods were working even though they were shown to be inactive in NMM. I just now tried OldFossil's fix & that did work to make them show as active again. I'm new to gaming & modding so don't understand any of that but it worked. BTW Fossil, I'm 70+ so I'm a fossil too.

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