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Dual Wielding Tweak


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I'd like it if instead of the current set up (left mouse button hits with main hand, right mouse hits with off hand, and both buttons hit with both hands) we instead did did two attacks (main and off hand) with the left mouse and blocked with the right. This would also work with brawling, and make it more viable (and imho more interesting)


While we're on the subject of brawling, could someone please change the default haymakers into a jab and cross combo? Aside from being tactically awful, the whole shaking POV is really distracting.


Dual casting spells, I'm thinking, should work the same way. left button dual casts the spell and right button blocks (maybe even increases magicka regeneration while you hold it down)


Obviously, because of balance, blocking while dual wielding wouldn't be as effective as other styles.

Weapon & Shield

Attack *

Defense ***


Single Weapon

Attack **

Defense **


Dual Wielding

Attack ***

Defense *

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