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Patches order problem (Merged - Bashed - ASIS - Reproccer)


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(please apologize for my english)
i'm getting very confused about this. in the moment i read something about it then i read something else that tells doing the opposite. so if i got it right:

first, when running patchers everything that come afterwards that patch in the load order must be disabled (in MO left panel). so ex:
patcher x
patcher y

when running patcher x, patcher y needs to be disabled. after that, when running patcher y, patcher x needs to be enabled.

?! with that assumption the order of things is:

1 - activate every mod in the left MO panel.
2 - run LOOT.
3 - with MO place the mods in the left panel (overwrite/installation order) as they appear in the right one (actual mod load order).
4 - run every patcher following the right MO order panel (everytime make sure the MO "overwrite folder" is empy before doing so. after a patch is created grab it from there and throw it in the original mod folder in the left MO panel) (theorically wrong but then at least you know in which order things needs to be done).
5 - run LOOT again.
6 - repeat step "2" if necessary.
7 - disable every mod (the entire mod, left MO panel; not the single ".esp" file in the right one) that comes with a patcher, AND the Bashed Patch and EVERYTHING that comes after it (except for only-textures mods).
8 - create a Merged Patch with TES5EDIT.
9 - place the Merged Patch just above the Bashed Patch in the left MO panel and activate it.
10 - run FNIS.
11 - make a Bashed Patch with Wrye Bash.
12 - activate ASIS (don't run the patcher yet).
13 - be sure that "asis.esp" doesn't exist. if so, delete it.
14 - run Reproccer patcher
15 - run ASIS patcher

and the final load order in left MO panel is:

(...other stuff...)

is this currect or am i doing something wrong?

Edited by Dievold
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