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just another mod question


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yes well i have some questions

1rs one :

i have the rens beuty pack and there acures a problem >>>>>> the people have black eyes everyone of them

i fixed that they can talk now but how do they get normal eyes i really dont know some help ?????


2nd one:

is there a mod that make of oblivion some another adventure i mean i played it alredy 3 times and it becames borring because i know everything every city and so could some of you place me some links were i get retextures for the city you thing they are really good and some Reeallly good quests


3rd one:

could somebody make a virgil companion you know that one from Devil May Cry i think he was kind of Amazing awesome cool but im not modder just gamer and i think the game is great but with virgil on my side it would be more cooler.


Thx for watching this Topic :whistling:

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1. Blah blah help file, blah blah forums.


2. Blah blah blah blah blah not going to blah blah blah soon blah blah. Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah work blah blah blah. Blah team blah blah blah blah blah.


3. Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.



See... It's all those things which are not being said that are important. You should keep that in mind when you make topic descirptions. Taking the time to spell and think through your ideas might also be advisable. I'm sure much of this can be answered clearly by looking around at what other people have said. You've been around awhile, you should know better.

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