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If anyone needs help with their mods presentation


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I'm a graphic designer and a big fan of skyrim and as such would like to help in brining quality mods to the skyrim nexus.
I can help with your mod's logo and presentation in the description.
First of all my portfolio can be seen on http://madalinvlad.net
I have also made the logo for better vampires (although the author of the mod has made some color and effect changes after I sent the logo that I do not like)
I will be doing this for free however these are my rights:
- The logo remains mine, you get license to use it to represent your games(this only means that I have a say in any changes you wish to bring to the work I do even after the work is complete)
- I can and will refuse small mods (for example a retexture of a sword or some buffing of an item's properties) but if they're rightful compilations (look at immersion armors) I'll most probably take the project head on.
- I have limited work time so I won't be able to work continuously


Contact me either here by PM or mail to [email protected] (preferably mail)

That's all, for now. Hope I'll get work pretty soon on some mods :smile:
If this is in the wrong forum section I'm sorry.

Edited by thunderzex
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