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feminine females


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It would be great to be able to remove the male idle animation from female NPCs. That brutish gorilla stance is so ugly to look at. It would be nice to have this mod soon since it needs to be installed at the beginning of a new play through to work.
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Aren't you talking about the fact that some females are set to use male animations? ...like for EVERYTHING, not just some idle.

If yes, then i second this.


Please, someone "fix" ALL the female NPCs, including orcs, to make them use female animations.

My immersion breaks everytime i see some female walk like a gorilla in the game.

I don't know if it is due some kind of OCD i have, whatever, i just can't stand it.


I tried to make such mod myself, but even after several hours of trying, i was able to change only two NPCs - the CK is constantly crashing, and now i cannot even load the plugin into CK anymore.

But if the CK works for any of you, it's fairly easy - just untick the "Opposite Gender Anims" checkbox in the NPC traits of every female that has it ticked.

(go into Actors category of each race and use the "female" branches to filter for female actors of thatrace - then go through all of them - it seems like a lot, but its not that bad, i already did thatonce for old Skyrim, it shouldn't take more than 30 minutes).


Orc females might require one additional change:

You need to edit the orcs race, and change the behaviour from male to female (refer to some other humanoidrace, like Nord, to seewhat is the "correct" female behviour file - just copy&paste the path).

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Well, it seems like i found a way around the CK crashes - Save and restart CK after opening more than 10 dialogue windows.

So i am back working on this, will report back soonish (it's quite tedious, so be patient), hopefully with a nexus DL link.

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This is strange, all female dark elf bandits (reavers) from DLC2 are set to use opposite gender animations.

I bet the female cultists from DLC2 will be the same.


I wonder what is the reasoning behind the decision to make female bandits (amongst others) move like a man.

I understand why they did it with orc females (yet it still bugs me), but this doesnt seem to make any sense to me.


EDIT: almost there...

Got separate plugins for each race.

Now to merge them into the "all females" option, make a NMM installation script, upload, and done.

Edited by 5133p39
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