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want override to move settlers regards of charisma calculation


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Hi Folks,

Trying to first find out where FO4 is checking the current charisma total that limits which settlements I can move a settler to .. and then how can I override that so I can send whoever where ever I want .. regardless of charisma limit and settlers already at other settlements


Yeah, I know there are mods that increase the base charisma limit by as much as you want .. but then I get a huge influx of settlers at all the other locations .. and the "fallout" from that ..


So any hints as to where in a workshop mode script its checking charisma to grey out the locations .. so I can then try to override that (and how one would go about overriding a base function like that .. if you can ...)...


There is a WorkshopNPCScript which checks some stuff to add or remove the WorkshopAllowMove keyword but I think this is more a whether this NPC can be moved at all .. don't think its specific to the checking the settlements total settlers to the calculated charisma limit .. still digging ..


thanks ..

Edited by jrfk2
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