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very slow loading on SSD


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Hi! I really love my Skyrim but the load time is way too long. Teleporting takes about 45 seconds and entering/exiting interiors takes on avg 25 seconds. The game, as well as MO and my 130 mods, are all installed on SSD.

I think the main cause is the ENB. No matter which ENB I'm using, as long as I install the ENB files, the load time triples/quadruples.


Just want to know if this is normal. I know that ENB will lengthen load time, but this seems to be way too much. If that's the case, are there good replacement for ENBs to make the game look good? ( I will obviously retain ENBoost but not actually run any ENB)



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I get really long load times on the first load, but after that they're reasonable, though probably slower than vanilla. Modding has a lot of variables, and ENB is particularly extreme because there's not only a ton of settings, but also a lot of different shaders out there. DoF alone must have 50 different shaders.


I've never tried this, but there was a thread about load speed and people suggested changing these options in enblocal.ini:




Several people reported that their load speed was improved: some by switching true to false, others by doing the opposite. No idea if it was a placebo effect or if it's just that different setups require different solutions.

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