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Massive object loading bug!


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I have found myself with a nearly game-breaking glitch and am in serious need of assistance! First and foremost, yes, I have modded the game fairly extensively, though I feel as if this is only a contributing factor. My issue s that, simply put, stuff has vanished! Things like chairs, beds, display cases are what I have noticed, and not all of them, but several. examples are, for instance, in Dragonsreach, all of the chairs around the main table, except the ones on the very end of each table, the Jarl's bed, but not all of the children's beds, the display cases upon entering the Jarl's wing, some benches as well. This glitch extends all across Skyrim, My own Heljarchen Hall double beds, chairs also vanished. It seems to be almost random, though it does look like the bed mostly missing is the elegant double bed, but I see no rhyme or reason to the rest. Also, several paintings have gone glitchy with the solid purple. It only seems to be effecting core game furniture, as anything added by a mod looks to still be there. It doesn't make a difference if I load an old save or even start a new game the same things are still gone, and I have removed any mod I had added after the last time I know for a fact everything was still in place, but, yet again, no change. I have scoured the internet for similar cases but have found nothing. Has anyone else experienced this? If so, can anyone help me fix it?

Edited by Rabidartist
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