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Are Female Armors Denigrating?



102 members have voted

  1. 1. Female armors are denigrating.

    • Yes they are offensive. (Male perspective)
    • No they are just a style choice.(Male perspective)
    • It's just another immersion choice. (Male perspective)
    • Yes they are offensive. (Female perspective.)
    • No they are just another style choice. (Female perspective.)
    • It's just another immersion choice. (Female perspective.)

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Actually, I did see the report and it was stupid. I only think Mass Effect is not as awesome and progressive as it's claimed to be, not that it's horrible and that we need to "think of the children".

Well, I wasn't trying to promote or demote ME series, I just wanted to point out that the people offended by "skimpy" outfits and similar adult-oriented mods (or parts of a game) are usually either rather unintellectualy looking women or middleaged men who keep going on about sexism and that's just ...weird and somewhat ironic.


So when people complain about sexism you're going to insult their intelligence and make ageist comments? I think your argument isn't at all a good one.

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So when people complain about sexism you're going to insult their intelligence and make ageist comments? I think your argument isn't at all a good one.


I just think Fox News isn't very reliable source at all. And that reporter who presented that legendary "gaming review" is a pearl, really. The "Doesn't favor mental activity" applies quite well.


On the other note, you don't find men complaining about how this and that is sexist and offensive to women a bit off? I do. Especially if it doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

Edited by elvinkun
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Yeah, I remember, nyxalinth. Thing is, if it's good for one, it's good for the other.


Now, I know, some people will want to call me out on having made "sexy" mods myself. The truth is this: I don't feel comfortable with sexy/skimpy things being the only option for a specific type of character and being restricted to that type. I don't like double standards or only being able to find stuff that shows huge bouncing boobs, for a body mesh I don't even use. However, I'm not someone who hates all sexy mods and wants them banned, I'd just prefer to see there being no double standards and more variety in armour/clothing mods.



The difference for me is I don't go around verbally attacking others with the same nasty vehemence. I'm normally keeping it to myself, I might say I'm tired of it or make a snarky comment, but I've never said nasty cruel things to the modders of mods I disagree with to the point where they stop modding. I'm not going to discuss this any further;nthe thread is getting derailed, and I'm not backing down from this statement, unlike my previous one.

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No, they are not denigrating. This very topic is denigrating. It's absolutely appalling to see all of these so-called purists whining and bleating over players' desire to have more interesting varieties of body style/shapes, and clothes/armor for their characters, companions and NPCs. What's really denigrating is the labeling of people who want to improve the look of their characters and NPCs as being (a) perverts and (b) horny men that get their sexual jollies off in video games. What's even more appalling is the notion that it's perfectly OK to have a video game to sate Humans' (both men AND woemen) MANIACAL, MURDERING, THIEVING, HOMICIDAL FETISHES, embellished with mods (created by the very same people complaining about sex in these games) that create more GORE, BLOOD, GUTS and DEATH implemented with and bigger and better (and sometimes anti-lore) WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION with which to MAIM, MURDER, BURN and RIP THE GUTS OUT OF ANTYHING THAT MOVES! You people make me sick. Anybody here remember the Hot Coffee Mod from GTA San Andreas? All of you here can relate to the THRILL of WATCHING SOMEONE'S LIMBS DISMEMBER AND FLY IN ALL DIRECTIONS and their BRAINS SPLATTER ALL OVER THE WINDSHIELD in a PUREE OF MUNG AND GORE as you EXCITEDLY RUN THEM DOWN WITH YOUR MAIBATSU MONSTROSITY which has been modded into a FORD EXPEDITION to MAKE IT EVEN MORE REALISTIC, just so you can SATISFY YOUR DESIRE TO DO IT IN REAL LIFE every time you see SOMEONE RIDING A BICYCLE in the street or PEDESTRIANS crossing the street. But the minute someone wants to look good while doing it, or says SEX it's suddenly back to church! SEX! Really? The one thing that DOESN'T kill people?! And you all wonder why John wrote what he did in Revelation (we are after all what he saw)? Give me a fracking break! Take your Hippocratic judgements and lock them up in the church vault where they belong. Then go return your copy of these games and quit playing them, stop going to the movies and watching TV, because all of these things are filled with these malefic things you condone and harmless things you condemn. Then when you stop being a hypocrite, take the time to mind your own business and allow people to enjoy in their own way. The best benefit you can do is pray that their way isn't harmful to others. It's like Nintii said:

If the mod is a sexual orientation mod or can be used as a same sex mod whether it be male or female then it's your choice.

If you're a guy and want to wear leather n' chains or pretty pink handcuffs (please don't write me a "you're being oh so stereotypical response, I'll read the first line and move on), then wear that.

Everyone has the right to enjoy their way and no one except God has the right to judge that.


Good day.



Oooooookaaaaaaaaay. I thought there was a big difference ebtween saying "This isn't my style, I prefer a more practical look for my adventurers" and "Oh teh noes, sex is teh ebbilz, yay blood and gore!"


I must point out though: some of the countries most well-known for having a lot of sexual liberty also produce some of the nastiest, most horrifying extreme horror imaginable (France (Martyrs, Frontier(s), Inside, Irreversible) and Germany (Nekromantik, oh dear gods, Nekromantik- and that one about the real life german canibal, a few others as well-I'm looking at you.) So I wonder how this goes together then? If you have coherent rational way to express your feelings, I'd love to hear it.

Edited by nyxalinth
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at least they put woman in the game. if they really wanted to objectify them, they wouldnt have put them in at all, considering woman warriors were unheard of in medieval times. :P


Well then would you like to explain away Boedica of the Iceni, Amulasuntha of the Goth's , Brunhilde of the Visigoths ,Margret of Anjou, Anna Nzinga or Joan of Arc? I only picked actual field warriors if I extended the list the women who just headed campaigns it would be longer.


besides Joan of Arc, the others are unheard of. i can google woman warriors too and come up with a list, or "wikipedia that s***" but that doesnt count hell i cant even pronounce any of those other names. my point rests. woman warriors were unheard of.

Boedica if you ask any Englishman is famous, she is considered the primary freedom fighting mother to the British Isles, her statue stands outside Parliament. Brunhilde is famous to the Germans, Margret of Anjou lead a dynastic struggle for the Plantagenet crown for 12 years, fought in five major engagements. That's just off the top of my head..I don't need google or wiki to come up with those facts. That you are a little short on data without the net..well. what you are saying is ....to YOU it's unheard of, there is a remedy..read some history before making blanket statements.

Edited by Aurielius
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besides Joan of Arc, the others are unheard of. i can google woman warriors too and come up with a list, or "wikipedia that s***" but that doesnt count hell i cant even pronounce any of those other names. my point rests. woman warriors were unheard of.


The fact that you've only heard of Joan of Arc doesn't prove that these other women didn't exist nor does it invalidate the point that Aurielus was trying to make. Some of them are not well known that much is true but anyone who has played Civilization has heard of Boudica. ;)


I must point out though: some of the countries most well-known for having a lot of sexual liberty also produce some of the nastiest, most horrifying extreme horror imaginable (France (Martyrs, Frontier(s), Inside, Irreversible) and Germany (Nekromantik, oh dear gods, Nekromantik- and that one about the real life german canibal, a few others as well-I'm looking at you.) So I wonder how this goes together then? If you have coherent rational way to express your feelings, I'd love to hear it.


I'm French and I think you have the wrong idea about my country as we are more conservative and more modest than you may believe (despite our reputation). Besides I certainly don't think that you can equate being sexually uninhibited with horror movies. After all if you want to keep up scores I'm pretty sure the US makes more horror movies than France and Germany put together. I get that you're trying to make a point about sex and violence but frankly I can't see the link between the two in your example.


So when people complain about sexism you're going to insult their intelligence and make ageist comments? I think your argument isn't at all a good one.


I just think Fox News isn't very reliable source at all. And that reporter who presented that legendary "gaming review" is a pearl, really. The "Doesn't favor mental activity" applies quite well.


On the other note, you don't find men complaining about how is this and that sexist and offensive to women a bit off? I do. Especially if it doesn't make a whole lot of sense.


Whether you're a man, a woman or a hermaphrodite from another galaxy is irrelevant. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. What is wrong about guys feeling that women are objectified by skimpy outfits?


I may disagree with them but that doesn't change that it is their right to have an opinion.


Also quite frankly I don't care much for all the smugness in your posts (FYI before stating that others don't make sense you should double check that you do). Just because people don't share your opinion doesn't mean that they are mentally deficient. :down:

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Whether you're a man, a woman or a hermaphrodite from another galaxy is irrelevant. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. What is wrong about guys feeling that women are objectified by skimpy outfits?


I may disagree with them but that doesn't change that it is their right to have an opinion.


Also quite frankly I don't care much for all the smugness in your posts (FYI before stating that others don't make sense you should double check that you do). Just because people don't share your opinion doesn't mean that they are mentally deficient. :down:

Well, it wasn't about skimpy outfits, but anyway, everyone is entitled to an opinion, that is the truth, there is a difference between saying "My opinion on the subject is..." and "Your opinion on the subject is..." tho, as the second isn't really an opinion, but a person saying what is good and bad for group of people that he is not a part of.


Also, quite frankly, I wasn't telling anyone he or she is mentally deficient, if you care enough to bash people, at least read what you bash them for. Now read the last paragraph of your post. Applies quite well actually.

Edited by elvinkun
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Whether you're a man, a woman or a hermaphrodite from another galaxy is irrelevant. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. What is wrong about guys feeling that women are objectified by skimpy outfits?


I may disagree with them but that doesn't change that it is their right to have an opinion.


Also quite frankly I don't care much for all the smugness in your posts (FYI before stating that others don't make sense you should double check that you do). Just because people don't share your opinion doesn't mean that they are mentally deficient. :down:

Well, it wasn't about skimpy outfits, but anyway, everyone is entitled to an opinion, that is the truth, there is a difference between saying "My opinion on the subject is..." and "Your opinion on the subject is..." tho, as the second isn't really an opinion, but a person saying what is good and bad for group of people that he is not a part of.


Also, quite frankly, I wasn't telling anyone he or she is mentally deficient, if you care enough to bash people, at least read what you bash them for. Now read the last paragraph of your post. Applies quite well actually.


Do you suffer from ADD? I'm only asking because the title of the topic is "Are Female Armors Denigrating?" so if you aren't discussing outfits then what are you going on about? Mass Effect?


Go back over your posts on this page and the previous one and maybe you'll see why I've quoted your post.

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Do you suffer from ADD? I'm only asking because the title of the topic is "Are Female Armors Denigrating?" so if you aren't discussing outfits then what are you going on about? Mass Effect?


Go back over your posts on this page and the previous one and maybe you'll see why I've quoted your post.

Well, you obviously aren't discussing anything at all, just kind of showing ego around, that's interesting. Also, it's a bit sad if you can't tell what is extremly obvious joke, which is possible, considering how dead-serious you seem to be.


Either way, you don't have to run in raging into every conversation around, you can just ignore threads or people, when you know you won't be able to control your "hate". Think about that and have a nice day. No point in continuing, wouldn't you agree?

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