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can you importing existing mods into NMM


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Hey guys. Sorry if i posted in the wrong place but is it possible to importing existing mods that i have installed into my data folder to Nexus mod manager to keep them up to date or do i have to redownload them all. I have a lot of mods which is why im wondering if there was a easier way to do this. Thanks.
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i'd like to know this as well.


i downloaded the NMM like 2-3 weeks after starting to mod skyrim, and i have SO MANY mods... was going to use the NMM but couldnt figure out how to activate mods that are already active, so I gave up (and have continued manual modding)




I think an important thing to note, though, is that the NMM doesn't work with quite a few (very popular) mods, and until it is more universally functional, i'll probably hold off on using it anyways. wouldn't hurt to know if I can import them, either way.




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