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Companion won't carry anything


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I don't think this should spoil the game for anyone.


Since marrying Vilkas, he now won't carry anything but arrows. I upgraded his armour and when I tried to give it back to him, everything in my inventory was greyed out, so I tried the old drop it and make him pick it up technique only to find that everything is showing as stolen and he doesn't do stealing and no I did not upgrade his armour using stolen stuff, the items don't show up as stolen in my inventory and any blacksmith will buy it.


Does anyone know if this is a bug/glitch and if there is a console command I can use to put it right? I don't mind so much if he won't carry anything, but he's no good in a fight dressed in his undies, plus I didn't even think it was possible to strip down your companions without mods :unsure:

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I unfortunately see no way to re-enable an NPC to be able to take / wear items, but you could always fix the running-in-undies by opening the console, clicking Vilkas and typing in:


"additem itemIDhere 1" Repeat with everything you want to give him.


"equipitem itemIDhere 1" Again, repeat with all the items.


Item IDs, as one might know, can be found from UESPWIKI, or by console targeting an NPC and typing "showinventory", which in turn shows a list of everything the NPC has on themselves.


I do hope this helps, it doesn't re-enable a way to add items through normal means, but works at least.

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Thank you I didn't know you could do that.


I wasn't sure if it was a bug or something that happened to all spouses, because the of the stuff they sell and carry around with them, when I saw the undies I figured I had a problem.

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Must be a bug or something with a specific NPC as this has yet to happen to me at all. Glad I could help though, one has to know quite a bit of the console to be sometimes able to play Skyrim and Oblivion as such huge games are, and will always be, filled with bugs http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/wink.gif
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I started learning the CS last year with Oblivion, but only recently realised what can be done with the console and that it isn't always about cheats. I've been following the thread about modding houses with the console and having fun with that.
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