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Daedric Armor closer to original concept art design


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Here take a look at the concept art for the Daedric armor




Then weapons/shields





Then look at what was produced




The biggest issue I think is how heavily they toned down the red-glow effect in the final production, daedric armor in both morrowind and oblivion had a very strong red glow, it's the main characteristic of the armor, it's what makes it interesting to look at, and just look at how there is almost none, there's a little bit on the torso and neck, and that's it. There's no glow on the shield and there's hardly any on the weapons either, also take a look at the shield designs, the design that ended up in the game was just the simplest one, the other two look much cooler (I think the one on the top-right in the weapons pic is the best one, but I do understand this choice since the asymmetry this shield design adds balances against the symmetry of the armor itself) the most damning feature of the vanilla daedric armor and weapons is the lack of this red glow, however the armor model that ended up in the game, while pretty cool... is just nowhere near as cool or as fitting (when compared to previous titles) as the original concept design, they toned down and simplified all the features that made it look daedric, I think the biggest disgrace is what they did with the pauldrons. They clearly did follow the design, just not closely enough in my opinion.

I like what they did with the daedric greatsword (model-wise) but then when I look at the in-game one handed daedric sword and compare to the sword designs in this picture it just feels like the in-game model is a dramatically failed attempt to follow this design... like.. they just did it wrong o_O


And the war axe... man they just got super lazy, it's basically the same model as the battle axe but with a different butt, and these models both again look like a failed attempt to imitate the designs on this concept art, like they put in the major features but they just did it wrong, for example on both the axes and the sword the teeth on the blades just don't look right.

I don't know maybe I'm being nitpicky, but I want that armor and I want these weapon designs.. urgh they even butchered the bow... but at least on the bright side the warhammer looks just right and the mace... the mace model looks right it's just the textures that are f***ed on it, same with the shield, the shield model is better than the design it followed, in fact I feel like it's the most successful part of this whole set, but again it has lackluster textures, they all have lackluster textures and most of the models could use some tweaking, the armor even I think would need to be completely remodeled, and the bow too.


But yeah this is my request, make me dat daedric looking armor please! :cool:

Edited by rabcor
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