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Help! Moved skyrim to my SDD, performance awful now


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I had skyrim installed on my hdd with about 100 mods using NMM and LOOT. I had tweaked my .ini's and was able to get it to 50-60 fps at almost all times. I decided it would perform even better if i moved the game to my SDD. I have steam folders in my SDD and HDD and steam is on my SDD. So I copied my Skyrim folder from my HDD to my steam folder on my SDD and steam found it no problem. I made sure to change the paths from NMM to the new location of the game.


When I booted up the game though my performance is now awful. I went from solid 60 fps indoors to 35-45, and outdoors from 45-60 down to 12-30 fps...


I dont understand what has happened as i copied everything... same mod order and everything..


Please help. Im about to just delete skyrim for good after spending 4 days setting my mods up and getting it running.





EDIT: I resolved the issue. Something weird was happening with fullscreen vs windowed. I had it set to forvce borderless windowed in my enb and was using that as vsync as well from windows. Somehow that got messed up so I left force borderlesswindowed = true in enblocal.ini but set forceborderlessfullscreen = false (it was true). Now My framerate is even higher than it was, but i am using nvidia to do vsync instead.

Edited by castlemadeofsand
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