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problem with custom iron sights


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Hey guys,


as i´m working on a mod, that replaces ALL guns in the game (and all armors too), including all DLC´s, i wanted to make some custom weapon models compatible with the RH_IronSights_mod. I thought, this wouldn´t be a big problem until i noticed, that Fallout uses my custom 1st-person-meshes i´ve created for each gun in third-person-view too...although these are different models with custom id´s in the GECK. Maybe i did something wrong, but i don´t know, what it is. Could use some serious help here...


Thanks in advance

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kriegerseele - Hello!

"until i noticed, that Fallout uses my custom 1st-person-meshes i´ve created for each gun in third-person-view too...although these are different models with custom id´s in the GECK. Maybe i did something wrong, but i don´t know, what it is. Could use some serious help here..."

The 1st Person Model Object is rather misleadingly labeled in my opinion. :)
It's actually used for both 1st & 3rd person views, as you've noticed.

The other setting "Model" is the default model used for the weapon unless there is a 1st Person Model Object set, in which case that model will be used by the Player instead. In that case the default Model will only be used when the weapon is dropped.

The intention is that 1st Person Model Object, while using the same mesh, is pointing to higher resolution textures so that the Player equipped weapon looks the best & the less noticed dropped version has resource saving lower resolution textures.

Most mod added weapons don't bother with 1st person textures as they want both dropped & equipped weapons to look good.

The GECK Wiki also implies that the 1st Person Model Object is only used by the Player & not NPC's, though I've never checked that.


So "Equipped Model Object" might be a better name. :)

"For the sights, i use a different model in the "1st_person_model_object_tab" in the model-section of the GECK, but the game uses this for both views, instead of the specific one only for the first-person-view."

Unfortunately, in Fallout 3, if you adjsut weapons for RHIronSights it will affect the model in both 1st & 3rd person views.

This means having to balance the accuracy of lining the sights up in first with how the weapon looks in the hands in 3rd. Easy for some weapons but tricky for others.

You can adjust scale & angle as well as X,Y & Z positions to help get them placed right though.

New Vegas, which officially added Iron Sights, simplified the process greatly by adding ##SightingNode to weapon models that allow each weapon's iron sight view to be custom adjusted by moving just that node & not the whole model.

Sadly no equivalent for Fallout 3.

Hope this helps!


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well, this does not help me with my problem and it seems like there is no "real" solution, but it´s very usefull to know these details...and i thank you very much for your effort and the explanation. I think, i try to ignore this great mod and don´t implement it into mine. But i´m not sure yet...it´s just too good...anyway, thank you.

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